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Freshly Pressed

Lake Ontario - 26 lb. Lake Trout

Chanèle has just earned her status as an honorary “Fish Guy” by catching a 26 lb. Lake Trout. Who knew that such great catches could be had in Lake Ontario?! It’s a beauty and it was released to live another day. If you want to scoop this old trout for yourself, you’ll have to go deep. Chanèle down-rigged to 80’ and it swam with her line for 280’ before it got reeled in. Nice one kiddo! Great catch!
Ryan (Chanèle’s husband) earned himself an honorary “Fish Guy” status too, with this 15 lb. Lake Trout – also caught on the same day in Lake Ontario. Way to go Ry... Great Catch!
Chanèle and Ryan – Honorary “Fish Guys”

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